Tools for Schools

Please see below a list of tools that have been gathered from a range of sources. You will have access to plenty of your own. They have been placed here for ease of distribution. Their presence here does not imply any approval, affirmation or endorsement. This is just an exercise in trying to be helpful. For example, the first one is a report from Nigel Fisher, headteacher of St Columba’s in Bexley to his governors. It’s packed with useful stuff but is not meant to be seen as the right way to report to governors; just a way.

Nigel Fisher’s exemplar report here

Classroom layouts here

The recovery curriculum here This document explores the issues around developing a curriculum around loss and bereavement as well as addressing mental health issues relating to loss of attachment.

The CCEO and PCEO toolkit here Don’t forget to use this with care and consideration. Adapt, don’t just adopt. This was the tool talked about with headteachers in the Zoom meeting on 7th May 2020

An exemplar toolkit from Bexley LA here

An example action plan from an anonymised school in Portsmouth, with thanks from Bro Ben Foy Chair of Governors at St Joseph’s College here


Opening schools for more children and young people: initial planning framework for schools in England here

Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings here

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020 here

Opening schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers here

Planning guide for primary schools here

Supporting vulnerable children and young people during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak here

Information Commissioner’s Office

School governance: coronavirus (COVID-19) update

DfE Guidance on delays to the implementation oc compulsory Relationships and Sex Education

Guidance on clergy in schools during the coronavirus pandemic

Signs to support social distancing and Corona Virus Hygiene Measures

Thanks to Chris Wright for drawing attention to this commercial site connected to the schools in the East Kent family of schools within KCSP. There are some ‘beneficial’ options for those within the wider Archdiocesan family. These are signage measures to support the messages in the advice above.

Colour charts here

Descriptions and part codes here

Please follow this link to order the decals.

Archbishop’s message