The Headteacher of St Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery, Mr Marshall, recently sent a letter to parents asking for donations to help the people of Ukraine in their time of need. The school was overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of the St Ethelbert’s community and we managed to collect an amazing number of items. These included warm clothing, blankets, toiletries, first aid items, nappies, wipes, sanitary products and much more. There were also cards and messages of support from the families and children. Pets were not forgotten either and there was food for cats and dogs! We also had a large donation from our local Tesco Express and would like to thank the manager for their generosity. All the items were loaded by our Year 6 children into Mr Marshall’s car and were then delivered to Quex Barn for transporting to Poland and Romania for distribution.

Thank you once again St Ethelbert’s community for showing our school value of thoughtfulness.