An Outstanding Year at Bonus Pastor Catholic College

There is a lot to celebrate about in the Bonus Pastor community having achieved outstanding in both our OFSTED and Catholic School Inspections. Throughout both inspections we are incredibly proud of how the school community came together to support each other and showcase all of our exceptional practice.

In both inspections, the pastoral life of our school shone. As a school community we truly believe in the model of Jesus as the good shepherd, ensuring that no child is left behind. We are so proud of the relationships between staff and students, our commitment to providing extra-curricular opportunities and the enthusiastic way that students respond to this. 


As a community, our mission is to create Catholic citizens of the world. This was clearly recognised in the rigorous and engaging curriculum our staff body have worked tirelessly to implement. It is also seen in the services, masses, assemblies and prayer that take place throughout the school year. Both have gone hand in hand to encourage students to passionately engage with and promote Catholic social teaching.

We are grateful to every member of our school community for their commitment to upholding our school values and to have this formally recognised.