Good News from St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

Pentecost – spread Gods word. 

As part of our Pentecost RE lessons – we were learning about how to spread Gods message to others. Ks1 wrote messages of Gods love that we gave to everyone around our school. Some of our messages included… God loves you, God sent the Holy Spirit, a friend a helper a guide and God will comfort you. the children and adults across the school really enjoyed our messages. 

We were inspired by the Pentecost story, we acted it out and thought of ways to depict it through art. 

St Augustine’s Day

Children have been learning about our school Saint, St Augustine in preparation for St Augustine’s day which is on Saturday 27th of May.  We created art work, timelines, dressed in our own colourful clothes and celebrated Mass with Father Grazino.

Laudato Si

We have been thinking about the Joy of nature in God’s world with reference to Laudato Si. We want to encourage everyone on the planet  to protect the earth; our common home. 

We wrote poems, planted seeds, cleared weeds and made our school environment lovely. We also released our butterflies into the world with much excitement. The earth is God’s gift to us, full of beauty and wonder, where the fruits of the earth belong to everyone.