67%* of parents and carers are concerned about the long-term impact of the coronavirus on their child’s mental health, in a survey by Young Minds. 66% also said that the coronavirus had impacted negatively on their own mental health, with 29% of respondents feeling there was not enough support (information, helplines and resources) available to help them and their child get through this time.
In response, St Boniface Primary School has teamed up with parenting expert Steve Biddulph to bring his world famous book talks online to parents, at a time when advice and support is particularly welcome. Filmed with a live audience before lockdown:
‘Raising Boys- an evening with Steve Biddulph’ is on 4th May at 8pm
‘Raising Girls- an evening with Steve Biddulph’ is on 11th May at 8pm.

Furthermore, they are offering an allocation of free tickets to NHS workers, in appreciation for their dedication during the pandemic. Headteacher Lisa Platts said,
“The past year has been a strain for all parents and carers, who have shouldered many worries, whilst disconnected from their usual support networks. So we reached out to Steve Biddulph, as followers of his powerful work . We want parents and carers to enjoy raising their children and know that it is essential for them to feel resourced and supported to do this well. I am delighted that we can bring Steve’s talks to the community at this time. We have so many parents in our school community who work tirelessly in the NHS, so it feels especially important to be able to offer something back. ”
Steve Biddulph is one of the world’s best known parent educators. A psychologist for 30 years, he is now retired but continues to write and teach. His books, including Raising Boys, Raising Girls, The Secret of Happy Children, The New Manhood, are in four million homes and 31 languages. He has influenced the way we look at childhood and especially the development of boys and men, plus the mental health of girls and young women globally.
Steve’s live talks have had a remarkable public response, reaching 160,000 people. People express surprise at how moving and emotional these talks are, as well as how much fun.
How to book tickets, £8 per Household, £4 Concessions, Free to NHS workers:
‘Raising Boys’ on 4th May 8.00pm – 9.30pm https://www.trybooking.co.uk/ZXG
Allocation of free tickets to NHS workers at https://www.trybooking.co.uk/BACU
‘Raising Girls” on 11th May 8.00pm -9.30pm https://www.trybooking.co.uk/ZXH
Allocation of free tickets to NHS workers at https://www.trybooking.co.uk/BACV

*Young Minds – Impact of Covid -19 on children and young people’s mental health: results of survey with parents and carers. (2020)